22 must-have bullet journal page ideas for college students you need in 2024​

22 must-have bullet journal page ideas for college students you need in 2024​


You can improve your life with the powerful technique of bullet journaling. Bullet journaling is particularly beneficial to you as a student. This is because college can be an incredibly exhausting and stressful experience for many. But if you learn to manage your time properly, it can be an exciting and unforgettable time in your life!

ullet journaling can help you do just that. Read below to learn more about bullet journal page ideas for college students.

Why keep a bullet journal?

Keeping a bullet journal is hands down the best habit I’ve taken up in the last few years. It helped me keep track of my classes and assignments, helped me develop a study schedule, and, more importantly, stick to it. *WOAH, I know, right?!

So overall, it increased my productivity, helped me manage my time, and decreased my stress levels.

I know what some of you, especially those who are new to journaling, must be thinking: as if juggling classes, assignments, presentations, research papers, exams, sports, and other extracurriculars as a student wasn’t enough – now you want me to start a bullet journal too???

Trust me; I get it. But this is
one habit that you do want to take up. It will definitely make your college life better and easier.

Bullet journal image

And the best part about a bullet journal is that it uses a technique called rapid logging. Unlike a personal diary or a journal, you don’t need to write about every aspect of your day. So a bullet journal is perfect for busy college students like you!

In this post, you’ll find 
different bullet journal spreads that can be incredibly helpful to you as a student. If you need help getting started, you can read this detailed post about setting up a bullet journal as a college student.


New to journaling? Don’t worry I have you covered. Here’s what it means in short.

A bullet journal (sometimes known as a BuJo) is a method of personal organization developed by designer Ryder Carroll.  The system organizes scheduling, reminders, to-do lists, brainstorming, and other organizational tasks into a single notebook.

So basically it’s an all-in-one book to help you stay organized and become more productive. It’s also a great tool for self-improvement.


The best part about a bullet journal is that you can customize it according to your needs and the material you already have at hand. You don’t really need any of the fancy material that people use.

You could use it to make it look more attractive, but it’s not necessary! You also get ready-made bullet journal kits. But, you’re good to go as long as you have 
a pen and a preferably blank or dotted journal or book. Like I always say, the content you write is far more important than what you use.

You can also
bullet journal in a binder if you prefer to do that!

NOTE: This post includes affiliate links to products I truly recommend. I recommend the products only if I’ve used them or after doing thorough market research (believe me, I’m very picky that way). This means that at no extra cost to you, I may earn a small percentage from the products which I use to run this site.


Okay, by now, maybe you’re sold on the idea of starting a bullet journal.  And now you perhaps want to know what are the things you can incorporate in your journal that will help you ace college and ace life.
So let’s get straight into it. *drumroll, please. Below are some helpful bullet journal spreads that you can use.

You might need 
some of them, all of them, or none of them. Remember, you’re doing this for YOU, so it’s perfectly okay to use only the ones you need or customize some of these based on your goals.

But this can be daunting, especially if you’re a beginner. So you can start with these spreads and experiment with new things until you get something that’ll be most useful.


(If you want to view a specific spread, click on it to view it directly)

CHECK OUT THIS POST:  How To Bullet Journal In A Binder

1) Study Timetable

This one’s a no-brainer. Having a study timetable spread in your bullet journal helps you keep everything organized. You have a limited number of hours in a day and a lot to get done as a college student, so why not use it to reduce your stress levels?

This way, you can see the bigger picture – everything that you have completed and everything you need to get done in just one glance. 
You can make this spread colorful and attractive. Or you can just make blocks and shade them whenever you complete something. 

A study timetable bullet journal spread for students. A table with days, timings and names of different subjects to study on a particular day at that time.

2) Things to achieve in this semester

Before college starts, all of us have a desire to be a part of a particular club or our dream sports team. You might also have academic goals, like getting a CGPA of 8 or writing a research paper. This bullet journal page is a great way to keep track of all of your goals. It helps to keep you accountable and also motivates you when you feel like giving up.

Because imagine how AMAZING it would feel to tick those boxes at the end of the year?! 
Read this post to see college goal ideas, whether they be academic goals, financial goals, self-development goals or health goals, to level up your life in 2024. 

3) Monthly planner

Why not start every new month with a bang?? It’s always better to have important things listed in your bullet journal before every month begins. Submissions, assignments, tests, club activities, friends’ birthdays – write everything down on this spread.

That way you don’t run the risk of forgetting something. 
And you’ll also know what all you need to get done in that particular month. You can do a themed spread or a simple spread – it’s all up to you!

You can also check out how to do weekly planning here.


A decorative bullet journal spread for the month of November with small squares for every day of the month and washi tapes on the top and bottom of the page. There is a design on the sides.
a table that says semester at a glance, which is a bullet journal idea for students
A bullet journal spread for the month of july. There is a small calendar below it and a to-do list on the left-hand side page.

4) Class schedule

Just like it’s helpful to have your own schedule, it’s also useful to have a schedule of your classes somewhere handy. Write down the class name, its timing and the building name or classroom number next to it. That way you don’t need to check what time you need to get up everyday. Or wander around the campus looking for the class. 

class schedule spread in a bullet journal

5) Assignment Tracker

This is another spread that is very useful for college students. With so many different types of assignments due on different days every week, this is a perfect way to keep track of all of them. If you’re feeling very creative, you can go for some fun theme, like this one with the Squid Game theme. *you need to complete your assignment or you fail the task

A squid game themed assignment tracker spread for a bullet journal. Contains a table to log assignment types and date and a squid game design below the table.

6) Study Plan

In college, you have so many different subjects to study. So it’s important to have a study plan in place to get good grades. This simple spread with trackers for all your subjects is a great way to keep track of your studies.

Just fill the relevant box whenever you study the subject. 
This will also help you understand if you’ve been spending many days on the same subject and if there are any changes you need to make to your study routine.

A bullet journal spread that shows the study plan for a college student

7) Revision and exam schedule

The last thing you want is to be late for your exams or worse… study for the wrong paper. *gasps
It can happen to the best of us. Exam time is particularly stressful for students and this spread helps you keep track of your papers and their timings.

And let’s face it. even with all the modern technology right at your fingertips, nothing beats the joy of scribbling over and
crossing out the exam dates once you’re done with them!! You can also add a page with your revision schedule to keep track of the important topics you need to revise just before the exam!

CHECK OUT THIS POST:  Journaling Tips for Students
Bullet journal page for students that shows a list of exams, quizzes and projects with checkboxes next to them.
Exam dates spread - a bullet journal idea for students which has boxes containing subject name, exam date and topics to cover for the subject

8) Grade tracker

With multiple exams and assignments for every subject, it can be easy to forget your marks or grades.

With a grade tracker in your bullet journal, you get a quick overview of all your grades. You’ll be able to see which subjects you’re acing, and which subjects you need to put more work into.

Not only that, it will also tell you how much you need to score in the finals to obtain your overall desired grade. 
You could go for fun charts (like in the second picture below). They will help you visually see you progress over time, which in turn will make you more motivated to obtain good grades. 

A grade tracker bullet journal spread with individual boxes for each subject and rows to write down the grades.
A grade tracker bullet journal spread with line graphs showing marks for two subjects.
A bullet journal spread with subject names in left side column and marks for the subject in the row, with marks for different exams in the semester separated into different columns

9) Semester overview

Once college starts, it’s extremely easy to get confused or get everything messed up! So it is nice to have all the college-related things in one place.  And having a semester overview spread in your bullet journal can help you do just that! This bullet journal spread is perfect for busy students. 

A semester overview page for busy college students, which shows the entire semester at a glance. There are different boxes for each month and lines next to the boxes to write important things related to college for that month.

10) Reading List

It can be handy to have a page in your bullet journal which contains the reading lists for each subject.
That way you don’t have to check different books and go back and forth whenever you need to find something while studying.

11) Attendance Tracker

All of us feel like missing a couple of classes every once in a while. And while you’re not expected to have 100% attendance, it’s useful to know which classes you’ve missed and when. That way it’s also easier for you to cover up the material. Also, the last thing you want to do in college is to flunk a course because of poor attendance. With an attendance tracker in your bullet journal, you can easily solve this common problem that most students face!

12) Finances tracker

As a college student, most of us run on tight budgets. So its very important to keep track of your money. Every penny counts guys! Keep track of your finances with this simple bullet journal spread to make sure you aren’t going backwards. You can read more about why it’s important for college students to learn to budget and invest early

13) Motivational quote spread

When everything feels overwhelming and you just feel like giving up, this spread will come in super handy. Write a quote that means a lot to you. It’s okay if you don’t have one on top of your mind. Just do a simple search on google, Pinterest or Instagram and choose the one that resonates the most with you. Decorate this page and make it as pretty as possible, so that it really feels uplifting and makes you smile.


14) Productivity/study tracker

This is a simple but effective way to track your productivity. You don’t just want to focus on the quantity i.e. the number of hours studied but also on the quality. So with this spread, if you see that you’ve been studying for many hours but you haven’t been getting a lot done, then perhaps it’s time to make changes to your study routine. And if you know you’ve been productive all week, you can completely relax and chill on the weekends without feeling guilty about it!

15) Sleep tracker

Good sleep is required to promote mental as well as physical well being. And as a student, it can be tempting to party till late night, lag behind on your work, and then stay up late to get things done in time. Sleep procrastination is also very real y’all!

And while this may work for sometime, you will get burnt out pretty soon if you’re not well rested. 
This simple tracker will help you to slowly fix your sleep schedule.

16) Mental health tracker

If you’re not feeling well mentally, you wont be able to enjoy anything going on around you. So this is an important spread which you should include in your bullet journal. This tracker will help you to get to know yourself more:

Maybe you get stressed out right before exams. Or maybe you feel nervous and anxious if you don’t get enough sleep. 
You can also use this tracker in combination with the sleep tracker to see if poor sleep has a large negative impact on your mental health.

You can identify patterns in your mental health and take concrete steps to reduce the duration when you feel super sad or unmotivated. 
Read more about why prioritizing mental health is important for college students. 

CHECK OUT THIS POST:  Aesthetic Pomodoro Timers

17) Self care page

In this page, list down all the things that make you feel good. Because if you don’t feel good from within, no external factor is going to make you happy. It’s important to indulge in things that make you feel good from time to time. Self care and good mental health should always be your priority, no matter what. 
Isn’t this self care bingo super cute?

18) Contact page

This is a useful page that you as a student should have in your bullet journal. You can write your teachers emails and phone numbers so that they can all be accessed in one place.

If you ever need to contact your teachers for an emergency, the last thing you want to do is spend time looking for the numbers individually. 
Just make sure this page is easy to find.

19) Time blocking spread

With so many things going on around you in college, it is necessary to plan your day properly. This helps you to enjoy all the different activities while maintaining a good balance between studying and having fun.  This bullet journal spread for college students is one of the most effective ways to do just that!

Time blocking is a method wherein you divide your day into different blocks of time. This time management method has been shown to increase productivity by as much as 80%!

20) Weekend planner

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”
After a hectic week of attending classes, studying and working hard, you deserve to kick back on the weekends.

Why not make a weekend spread in your bullet journal so that you don’t miss out on doing the things you love?

It’ll also help you organize your time better and plan things in advance whenever needed.

You do NOT want to have to miss out on a party just because your favorite dress is in the laundry.

21) Morning routine

You know what they say,  “Make each day your masterpiece. ” Start the day right with a morning routine spread in your bullet journal. It might be difficult to follow all of it at first, but it becomes easier with practice. That’s why it’s so important to develop good habits.

This bullet journal spread will help you develop habits that can be immensely useful to make the best use of your college life. 
Just replace “work” with “college” in the spread below, write down your goals and you’re all set! (be sure to follow it too though)

22) Study playlist

Are there some songs that help you be more productive and motivate you to complete more things? Get into the mood to complete your homework with this study playlist.

Sure, you can directly create one on your phone, but writing it down can also help you feel motivated. 
And let’s be honest, it looks pretty too 🙂 The picture is for a summer playlist, but you get the idea!


I hope you got some great bullet journal page ideas that will help you. Are you using any of these spreads in your bullet journal already? Which one’s your favorite? Let me know in the comments below!

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