Bullet journal for Ph.D. students

Bullet Journaling for PhD Students

Bullet Journaling for Ph.D. Students: Boost Productivity and Organize Research



Everyone knows how stressful doing a Ph.D. is. But don’t let the stress and chaos of Ph.D. research consume you – discover how bullet journaling can bring order to your work. This post will show you how to create spreads and systems tailored to your specific needs, whether you’re looking to stay organized, track progress, or plan upcoming presentations and conferences. With the help of this guide, you’ll be able to streamline your workflow and achieve success as a Ph.D. student.

I’ve already written a post on 
bullet journal for grad students. In that post, you’ll find several helpful spreads, such as Reading list, Gantt chart, Research project task list, Research ideas list, Research paper reading, Trackers, Reading log, and more!

This post is specifically for Ph.D. students and includes 
helpful bullet journal spreads to help you in your Ph.D. journey. It also has step-by-step methods of how to create the spreads. Research and grad students can also find these spreads helpful. So keep reading below!

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Honestly, you don’t need much to get started. That’s the beauty of using a binder for bullet journaling. You can customize it based on your preferences and also on the material you have at hand.


You can use lined, dotted, or blank pages, or a combination of all of them. I prefer using dotted pages but since I didn’t have any at hand when I started my binder, I used blank pages instead. And the great thing about a bullet journal binder is that you have the flexibility to add and remove the pages whenever you feel like it.

Dot grid papers

If you’re like me and prefer to use dotted pages over any other types, this site allows you to print dot grid papers for free. You have the option to choose between different spacings of the dot and you don’t even need to sign up anywhere!

This is another site where you can customize dot sizing, space and even color and download the printable for free. It has 10 dot sizes and different dot colors that you can choose from.

That being said, if you’re short of time and just want to buy a bullet journal, these are the ones that I truly recommend (they’re super awesome!):


Ph.D. students often face a number of unique challenges, and a bullet journal can help you overcome them.

time management

Time is the most valuable resource that you have. Balancing the demands of coursework, research, and personal life demands can be pretty tricky for Ph.D. students. As a research student, you often have multiple deadlines and tasks to complete. A bullet journal can be used to create a research timeline, set deadlines and track progress on tasks.

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staying organized

Bullet journaling can help you organize notes, data, and other research materials in a clear and simple way. Research is a crucial component of a Ph.D. program, but keeping track of all the details can be difficult. With so much information to keep track of, it can be easy for Ph.D. students to feel overwhelmed and disorganized. A bullet journal can help students stay organized and ensure they are not missing any important details.

focus and motivation

Sometimes, a long-term research project can take several years to complete. As a result, it can be challenging for Ph.D. students to stay motivated and focused. However, writing your short and long-term goals, as well as reminding yourself of why you’re doing this, will help you stay focused and motivated.

prevent stress and burnout

The high-pressure and high-stress nature of a Ph.D. program can lead to feelings of burnout and anxiety. But Bullet journaling can be used as a tool for mindfulness and self-reflection, helping you to stay focused and engaged in your work, thereby reducing stress and burnout. A bullet journal also helps by providing a space to plan self-care activities, such as exercise and social events.

Generate new ideas

Bullet journals are not just a tool for task organization but also a way to stimulate creativity and foster innovation. With a designated space to jot down ideas, brainstorm, and visualize concepts, Ph.D. students can break out of traditional ways of thinking and explore new perspectives. Additionally, physically writing down ideas can help solidify them in mind and make them easier to remember and build upon.


Below are some spreads that will immensely help you. They are tailored to the specific needs of a Ph.D. student and can be used to help organize and track different aspects of the research process.

Research question spread

This spread is used to keep track of the research questions that need to be answered during the research process. It can include a section for recording the research question, a section for brainstorming potential answers, and a section for keeping track of the progress in answering the question.

To create a research question spread, you can follow these steps:

  1. Start with a new page in your bullet journal titled “Research Questions.”
  2. Write the research question at the top of the page. Focus on only one research question at a time. And make sure your research question is specific, focused, and answerable.
  3. Draw a box for each research question. Each box should be large enough to accommodate a detailed explanation of the research question.
  4. Below the research question, add a brief explanation of why the question is important and how it relates to your research topic.
  5. Create a section for “potential approaches” or “potential methods” under each research question. This section should include brainstorming for how to address the research question. Think about potential methods or approaches that could be used to answer the question.
  6. As you work on your research, you can refer to your research question spread to help guide your research and ensure that you stay on track with your objectives.
  7. As you answer each research question, use a progress bar, checkmark, or any other symbol to indicate the question has been addressed.
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research method spread

A Research Method spread is used to plan and track the research methods that will be used in the research process. It can include a section for recording the different techniques, a section for outlining the steps to be taken, and a section for keeping track of the progress.

To create this spread, you can follow these steps:

  1. Start with a blank page in your bullet journal, and write “Research Methods” at the top.
  2. Make a list of different methods you’ll be using. They can include surveys, interviews, experiments, case studies, etc.
  3. Optional: For each research method, write a brief description of how it works and what it involves. This can help you stay organized and ensure you use the correct method for each aspect of your project.
  4. Make a section to keep track of resources and notes related to each research method. For example, you can include a list of books or articles discussing the method in detail or jot down any notes or ideas about applying the method to your project.

mind map spread

A Mind Map spread is used to visually represent the connections and relationships between different concepts or ideas related to the research. It can be created using a central idea or topic and then branching out to related ideas or subtopics. By creating a mind map, you can see the connections between different concepts or ideas and make new connections you may not have thought of before. It can also include symbols or colors to indicate the level of importance or relevance of each idea.

To create a Mind Map spread, you can follow these steps:

  1. Start with a blank page in your bullet journal. I recommend using a double page.
  2. Write the central idea or topic in the center of the page.
  3. Use lines and arrows to connect the central idea to related ideas or subtopics.
  4. Use symbols or colors to indicate the level of importance or relevance of each idea.
  5. Use different colors or symbols to group similar ideas or subtopics together.

These are the steps at a high level to create this spread.

thesis outline spread

This spread is used to organize and plan the thesis. It can include a section for outlining the main chapters and subtopics, as well as a section for tracking progress and deadlines. By creating this spread, you will be able to see the overall structure of your thesis and track the progress of each chapter and subtopic. This will help you stay on track and ensure you are on schedule to meet your deadlines. Additionally, you can use this spread to break down the main topics and subtopics, plan your thesis layout, and ensure it’s coherent and well-structured.

To create this spread, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a section outlining the main chapters and subtopics of the thesis. This can include notes, sketches, or other materials.
  2. Create a section for tracking the progress of each chapter and subtopic. You can use a bar graph, percentage chart, or checklist for each section.
  3. Create a section for tracking deadlines and milestones. You can draw a calendar and make a separate list of specific, important dates.
  4. Use a hierarchical format, starting with the main chapters and then breaking them down into subtopics. Doing this makes it easy to understand the structure and organization of the thesis.
  5. Use symbols or colors to indicate the level of completion of each task.
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inspiration spread

This spread is used to collect and organize inspiration for the research. In the inspiration spread, you can include a section for collecting images, quotes, or other materials that inspire the research. You can also create different sections to record the source of the inspiration and keep track of the research progress.

To create an Inspiration spread, you can follow these steps:

  1. Divide the page into sections, such as “Books,” “Articles,” “Podcasts,” “Blogs,” “Conferences,” “People,” “Quotes,” or any other categories that are relevant to your research.
  2. Under each section, start adding your sources of inspiration. For example, under the “Books” section, you can list the titles of books that have inspired you or that you plan to read for your research. Under the “People” section, you can write down the names of scholars or experts in your field that you admire or want to connect with.
  3. Add notes or comments next to each source to remind you why it’s important or how it relates to your research. You can also use color coding or highlighters to indicate the level of relevance or importance.
  4. Update your inspiration spread regularly as you discover new sources of inspiration. You can also use it to track your progress or reflect on how your sources of inspiration have evolved over time.
  5. Optional: You can also use symbols or icons to organize your inspiration sources visually. For example, you can use a book icon for books, a play button for podcasts, or a microphone for conferences.

other helpful tips for your bullet journal

  • Use symbols or colors to indicate the level of completion of each task.
  • Use a consistent design and layout, making your spreads easier to read and understand.
  • You can use different colors, symbols, or doodles to make your journal visually appealing. This will also help organize the information more properly.
  • And lastly: Keep it simple. Avoid overwhelming your journal with too many spreads or designs. Stick to the essentials and prioritize the information that is most important to you.


I hope you found this post helpful! You can also check out a post on bullet journal for grad students, as it includes other useful spreads related to research.

If you’ve never tried using it for research purposes, I suggest you try it for a few months and see for yourself how useful it is! Remember, a bullet journal is meant to be a flexible and personalized tool, so feel free to adjust it to fit your specific needs and preferences.

Do you use a bullet journal regularly? Let me know if you’d like me to share more such spreads. 
And let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

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